丙烯腈丁二烯苯乙烯ABS,ABS Royalite R20是東莞市雙幫塑膠原料有限公司常年銷售的塑料,因為塑料價格行情每天都有新變化前天的報價不等于今天的報價。本公司銷售的所有原料保證是原廠原包,隨料可以提供生產廠商提供的物性表、SGS報告,COA原料出廠報告,REACH報告,SVHC報告,UL黃卡,提供原料注塑加工工程中可能出現的各種異,F象解決方法,塑料牌號太多,本網站沒有提供的本公司也有代理,詳情請咨詢本公司相關業務人員0769-87795123,微信:13549213581 QQ:15397858 13549213581 肖生
ABS超聲波可焊接, 可噴涂的, 片材, 熱成型
Royalite R20
Spartech Plastics
Technical Data
ROYALITE® R20 thermoplastic sheet is a rigid ABS product with a combination of properties that makes it ideal for the widest range of applications. It has very high impact strength and stiffness, excellent high and low temperature performance and outstanding formability.
In addition to its superior mechanical properties, ROYALITE® R20 sheet lends itself to dielectric welding, resists thermal distortion and also resists many chemicals and plasticizers. It is the material of choice for applications ranging from water softener housings to auto instrument panels, as well as luggage and musical instrument cases.
ROYALITE® R20 thermoplastic sheet can be processed on virtually all thermoforming equipment from high volume, multi-station rotary machines to hand-operated presses. It is readily hand-formed for prototyping. It is also suitable for use with aluminum and epoxy molds and fine-grain wood molds such as mahogany. Care must be taken in forming so as not to overheat the sheet. Stock temperatures of approximately 340°F-390°F are recommended for proper forming. As with any thermoplastic material, care should be taken to account for the coefficient of thermal expansion when considering design parameters. Please contact Royalite for data relating to a specific application or equipment.
ROYALITE® R20 is offered in a tremendous range of colors with a multitude of textures ranging from smooth to deep-textured. This Royalite product is normally capped with a calendered film, which gives exceptional color and gloss control, plus outstanding grain retention after forming.
With conventional plastic fabricating tools, it is possible to machine, saw, drill, rout and grind this rigid Royalite sheet. It can be punched and die-cut, and paints can be applied by spray, silk screen or roller coating. For optimum performance, paints formulated for plastics must be used. As long as proper procedures are followed, this material can be joined to other materials, or itself, by adhesive bonding, ultrasonic welding and by mechanical fasteners such as screws and rivets. Please contact Royalite for specific recommendations.
ROYALITE® R20 is available from our warehouse with standard dimensions of 54" x 94" in a variety of colors and grain textures in gauges ranging from 0.031" to 0.250". Specific blank sizes can be cut to order for an extra charge. For a specific listing of warehouse offerings, please contact us or our nearest distributor. Warehouse material can normally ship within 72 hours of receipt of the order.
Other standard and custom colors, grain textures, gauges and blank sizes are available subject to normal production scheduling. Available gauge range is from 0.031" to 0.375". Available width range is from 12" to 88". Maximum capped width available is 54". Maximum uncapped width available is 88". Widths and gauges outside the standard are available with some restrictions.
材料狀態 • 已商用:當前有效
資料 1 • Technical Datasheet (English)
搜索 UL 黃卡 • Spartech Plastics
• Royalite
供貨地區 • 北美洲
• 超聲波可焊接 • 可焊接 • 良好粘結性
• 剛性,高 • 可噴涂的
特性 • 耐低溫
• 剛性,良好 • 可切削
• 耐熱性,中等
• 抗撞擊性,高 • 可粘結性
用途 • 皮箱 • 熱成型容器
• 汽車儀表板 • 外殼
外觀 • 可用顏色
形式 • 片材
加工方法 • 熱成型
物理性能 額定值單位制 測試方法
比重 3 1.02 到 1.08g/cm³ ASTM D792
收縮率 - 流動 0.50 到 0.70%
機械性能 額定值單位制 測試方法
抗張強度 - 流量 (屈服) 32.4MPa ASTM D638
彎曲模量 1590MPa ASTM D790
彎曲強度 48.3MPa ASTM D790
Royalite R20
Spartech Plastics
沖擊性能 額定值單位制 測試方法
懸壁梁缺口沖擊強度 ASTM D256
-29°C 270J/m
22°C 430J/m
硬度 額定值單位制 測試方法
洛氏硬度 (R 級) 88 ASTM D785
熱性能 額定值單位制 測試方法
載荷下熱變形溫度 (1.8 MPa, 未退火) 96.1°C ASTM D648
線形熱膨脹系數 - 流動 7.6E-5 到 1.0E-4cm/cm/°C ASTM D696
導熱系數 0.25 到 0.30W/m/K ASTM C177
可燃性 額定值單位制 測試方法
可燃性 Passes FMVSS 302
補充信息 額定值單位制
Thermoforming Molding Temperature - Machine 171 到 199°C
丙烯腈丁二烯苯乙烯ABS,ABS Royalite R20是東莞市雙幫塑膠原料有限公司常年銷售的塑料,因為塑料價格行情每天都有新變化前天的報價不等于今天的報價。本公司銷售的所有原料保證是原廠原包,隨料可以提供生產廠商提供的物性表、SGS報告,COA原料出廠報告,REACH報告,SVHC報告,UL黃卡,提供原料注塑加工工程中可能出現的各種異,F象解決方法,塑料牌號太多,本網站沒有提供的本公司也有代理,詳情請咨詢本公司相關業務人員0769-87795123 微信:13549213581 QQ:15397858
13549213581 肖生